

What’s in my Watershed? (Ages 7-14)

April 23, 2021

10:00 am

Looking for something fun to do over April Vacation week? Join Waterworks Museum Staff live at the museum as we learn about watersheds! Participants in this program will conduct their own lab tests on water from a nearby stream. Then, with the help of our large-scale watershed model, they’ll see how various pollutants can impact our water system and consider what kinds of things both water experts and the public alike can do to stop them. This program is recommended for ages 7-14.  Each participant can be accompanied by up to 2 adults at no additional charge.

This program may be conducted outside, weather permitting. All participants are required to wear a face covering over their nose and mouth for the entire duration of the program. Care will be taken to enforce physical distancing between parties and sessions will be limited to 8 families at one time. All materials will be sanitized prior to use.

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