

VIRTUAL Preschool Summer Series: Animals Around the Reservoir

July 13, 2021

10:00 am–10:30 am

Join Waterworks Museum education staff from home via Zoom as we learn about the different animals that live around the reservoir.

First, we will read “Just Ducks.” Next, we will learn about some of the different animals that live around the reservoir. Finally, we will make our own animal masks. Participants will also be sent a Nature Scavenger Hunt they can do outside after class. This program is recommended for ages 3-6.

This is an ONLINE class hosted on the Zoom platform. Once you have booked a ticket, you will be sent a link to access the class by the organizer.

Additional Details:

To make the Animal Masks, you will need scissors, Crayons, a glue stick, and either a popsicle stick or sturdy cardboard strip (to act as a handle). The organizer will send animal mask templates to print out ahead of time for the class.

To see more virtual sessions in this series, check Tuesdays at 10 am in July on our events calendar.

Cost: $4

Current Exhibit