

A Raindrop’s Journey

Grade Range: Preschool – 1st Grade, Ages 3 – 6

Duration: 45 minutes – 1 hour

We will begin by reading, “A Raindrop’s Journey.” Then, we will take on the role of a raindrop by learning about the water cycle and traveling through the Waterworks Jungle Gym. Finally, we will make our own water system maps.


$5 per student.

Enduring Understanding

Each drop of water travels a long way through the water cycle and the waterworks to get to your home.

Essential Question

How does water get to my home?


Students will be able to:

  • Identify key elements in the water cycle
  • Recognize that water is used over and over again
  • Recognize that the waterworks system helps move water to their homes
  • Identify the key elements of the waterworks system
  • Recognize how the water cycle and waterworks work together to provide us with water to use

Curriculum Connections

EEC Learning Standards and Curriculum Guidelines (MA DOE) – Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences by the Early Childhood Advisory Council

English Language Arts

Reading & Literature

  1. Listen to a wide variety of age appropriate literature read aloud.

History and Social Science

  1. Identify and describe cause and effect as they relate to personal experiences and age-appropriate stories.
  2. Engage in activities that build understanding of words for location and direction.


Visual Art

  1. Explore a variety of age-appropriate materials and media to create two and three-dimensional artwork.
  2. Explore and experiment with wet and dry media in a variety of colors including black and white.
  3. Create artwork from memory or imagination.

Next Generation Science Standards
K-ESS2-2. Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet their needs.

Current Exhibit